2 cents

CRank: 5Score: 22830

when you think that this game started life as a crowd funder, it looks mighty impressive on all platforms. Well done devs.

3316d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well sure, not much difference on a compressed youtube video, but put them side by side on 50 inch+ tv.

3316d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

GT6 has day night cycle and weather changes and thats on PS3, 60fps 1080p, so it is possible. Sure it had other flaws but it can be done.

3316d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nice, they are delivering on their promise, but i want a customizable UI, i don`t want to see stuff that i never use congesting my UI. If mobile phones can have a customizable UI, surely it can be done on consoles.

3369d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still haven`t picked up a PS4 as so far no games that appeal to me, but something like would make me get one right away. Especially since i haven`t played all uncharted games

3748d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony needs more games, which are coming, but at the moment there is nothing that really makes me wanna buy a PS4. I`m more into driving and action/adventure games. Had GT6 come out on the PS4 it would have been a day one buy for me.

3750d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For me, ATM, the games library is just too small to warrant a purchase. Will wait until march/april before i pick one up. So far no games that really to me. I`m hoping for a Naughty Dog game or GTA5 port. Drive Club looks interesting as well. I really wish for Gran Turismo 6 port but that will never happen.

3806d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

ATM i`m only interested in the ps4, but so far no games that appeal to me, so i`m holing out for now. Who knows, maybe a gta5 next gen?! Or GT6 next gen?! Or anything from Naughty Dog! I`m not much into FPS, and i just hate futuristic shooters.

3814d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just because it`s a racing game does not mean it has to be boring. If you add some weather change that can spice things up. Also there are so many racing disciplines out there to keep every racing fans entertained for months, but only a few have been implemented. Think about karting, truck racing, rally cross, hill climbing, open wheel racing, nascar etc.... And strategies during the race are virtually non existent.
Personally i would like to have a race crew mode where you can hire ...

3845d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

My only problem is no BC. I have no space where to put the extra gadgets under my tv. I would still have to keep my ps3 for some time (the x360 is long dead), i have sky box, home cinema, polish tv box and i have to make space for ps4, x1, ps eye and kinect. And i hate clutter. Everything has to be tucked away unless is really pretty which both ps4 and x1 are not. The ps3 phat was just beautiful and i proudly displayed it. Where will i hide four more gadgets?

3951d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can someone please explain it to me in a bit more detail? I`ve reached an aged when i`m struggling to keep up with the game industry. If i own 2 xbox consoles (one at home and one at work) does it mean that if i buy a game i won`t be able to play it on my second console? Or, just as long as i am logged in with my gamer tag, i can use the game with any console?
Also, regarding always on, does it mean paying the subscription is mandatory? I very rarely play online and Live is no use t...

4013d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looking forward to a new console war, to be honest. This gen has been kinda disappointing in that regards. Both companies had been a major disappointment. MS lying about shady hardware and Sony lied about delays and about the ps3 capabilities, which was meant to be miles ahead of the 360. For me no winner this time. Expect nothing better this time around. If anything will be shown at e3 it will be just cg cr^p, lies and hype. Apparently called marketing.

4170d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I`m a huge fan of granturismo but i have to agree with you, i was expecting much more from a next gen racing sim. As a game it`s loads of fun but i was expecting a racing sim, that means it supposed to simulate real life racing. So lets see in real life you get random mechanical failures, not in gt5, punctures are very common, especially in open cockpit racing, not in gt5, car tuning and car set-up is very limited, flags!!!! in real life you wont be able to enter a race without knowing by hea...

4913d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

So you say you are a true GT fan? Then how comes you complain about having too many cars when all previous itterations of GT had a vast amount of cars, how did get you from GT1 through to GT5 without noticing that, and you you are still a "fan"?

The point in having so many cars is not to drive them all but to make sure that everyone finds the car they dream of, and that car is not always a ferrari, lambo or aston martin. It can be a suzuki as well you know. For me...

4933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No! Really!! Did you actually have to go business school to learn that?! I droped out of school when i was 16 but what you said seems like a no brainer to me. However, on another contest, they are trying to say "our game will be better, because of this and that". And GT5 is the wrong game to play with like that.
I`m a huge GT fan and i like Forza as well so if EA goes full on simulation with this game i might give it a rent.

4933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GT over forza! And i played all itterations of Forza. But then again i`ve played all itterations of GranTurismo as well.

4933d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

HA HA the fiat 500 is quite funny! But there`s quite a few of them here where i`m from (poland) and i did drive them and they feel that slow even down hil. Still funny to watch though

4933d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I`m sure ps4 is deep under development but i doubt Sony is willing to give out its secrets so early. I expect ps4 late 2013 early 2014, and the next xbox 1.5 years to 2 years earlier. MS will no doubt capitalize on the succes the x360 has by making sure they launch the next xbox earlier with the least competition possible.

4939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don`t care about reviews. GT4 got a low score from reviewers and yet i found that game to be the best i have ever played in my life and i have been gaming for the last 16 years and i own all the worthy platforms. GT5 Prologue for me was way better than Forza3 in my opinion. I know GT is not perfect but is deffo better than the Forza series for me, it just suits my tastes.

4940d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don`t care about reviews. I spent 400 pounds (can`t find the pounnd button) on a ps3 just to play gt hd and i never regret it. I know that for me yhe gane will be 10/10. I`ve played all itterations of GT, and enjoyed all of them, especially GT4. I own all the main gaming platforms and i LOVE racing sims but i never came accross something as good as the GT franchise.

4946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment